
How to earn money on Nationton Republic

Nationton Republic is uniquely beneficial:  After registering for Nationton Republic, you get referral link. If you like the service of Nationton Republic , you may recommend it to others by  placing your referral link anywhere on the internet including Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram and any of the social media platforms. If any person clicks on your referral link and creates valid account on Nationton Republic , right away you earn GHS9 or GHS70. Similarly if someone creates valid account on Nationton Republic and writes your username or nickname on the account as the person who invited him to join Nationton , you earn GHS9 or GHS70. The more people create valid accounts on Nationton Republic via your referral link or username, the more money you earn. Your Earnings On Personal Account: The following is how to calculate your e arnings when someone subscribes for personal account via  your referral link or username: If you invite  1  person, you earn  GHS9, If you invite  2  pe